Need-Based Review Criteria
Applications will be reviewed by the Trudl Zipper Dance Institute's Financial Aid Committee using specific criteria to score each submission. The Trudl Zipper Dance Institute's Financial Aid Committee will use reviewer scores to make the final determination of all awards. Every effort will be made to provide appropriate funding to applicants. If the Financial Aid Committee deems that an application is incomplete, it may request additional documentation to gain better insight into the applicant's current financial status.
Need-Based Application Submission Policies
The deadline to submit a completed application is 11:59 pm on June 24, 2024. Late applications will be accepted on a rolling basis. The Colburn School cannot guarantee the availability of funds if your application is submitted after the due date.
The application must be submitted in its entirety, along with all required materials. If the application is incomplete upon submission, the Colburn School has the right to refuse to review the application and will mark it as ineligible for review. If the scholarship committee would like to request further information from the applicant, they will do so via email. Failure to respond to the committee's request will result in disqualification.